Previous Show: Julien Guerrera Un Viaggio Senza Fine Ended 2014-03-29

Pensierini of Enrico Macchiavello

For the 2010 START Event at the Claque space at Teatro della Tosse in Vico San Donato 9, Violabox presents one of Italy's most well known Artists.
It's impossible to not recognize his style... wether it's a drawing, a sculpture, or an animation, one always knows when they're viewing a piece by Macchiavello.
For ten years he has been creating well known ads for Ceres Beer, and more recently, a series of notorious children's trading cards. For the past 15 years, he has been showing his art in both solo and group exhibitions in Italy and around the world.
For Violabox, he returns to working in three dimensions. Over 100 "Pensierini" sculptures hang in the extraordinary Claque space.
The installation  will be on view In the Claque space in vicolo San Donato 9 on September 30 from 18:00 to 23:00; it will then be moved to  Violabox Art Gallery in Via trebisonda 56 C., until Saturday October 16. Gallery hours are from Tuesday to Saturday from 15:30 to 19:30

The Artist
For this installation, Macchiavello temporarily leaves his commercial illustrations behind, in order to explore replique omega the place where the deformity of thought begins and to find the moment in which ideas are first corrupted.
The installation 
The installation consists of over 100 sculptures made of painted polyurethane foam hanging in mid-air, fixed in an ascending position.
The crowded nature of the installation is meant to represent the cacophony of the viewer's thoughts.
The meaning
The "Pensierini" are crystallized ectoplasm. Macchiavello tries to capture the primitive form of thought, the moment in which the idea is still unformed... Potentially, it could become anything from a brilliant intuition to, as in most cases, an abominable concept. The "Pensierini" are forced to live a bitter existence: only a few become real thoughts, and the rest fulfill their destiny of being condemned to their fecal state.


Detail installation

Detail installation

Detail installation

Installation detail

Detail installation

Detail installation

Mixed media

Mixed media

Mixed media

Mixed media

Mixed media
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Mixed media
different size

Mixed media
Different size

Mixed media
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